How to make your boobs bigger without surgery?


Medically speaking, there is a surgery called breast augmentation surgery that increases the breast size by placing implants inside the breast. However, some ladies do not want to go under the knife and look for natural ways to improve their breast size. Let us tell you some natural ways to increase your boob size without surgery? 

What are the factors affecting breast size?

Breast size is affected by a large number of factors: 

  • Age
  • Body mass index
  • Fitness level
  • Diet 
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Menstrual cycle

Some natural ways to increase breast size

Healthy food choices: 

To aid the naturalsurgical breast enhancement, you need to make some food choices that can help you with bigger and fuller breasts. 

  • Consume whole-fat milk products
  • Papaya mixed with milk
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Fennel seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Nuts 
  • Soybean

Yoga for big breasts? 

Yoga has been a natural healing agent for years. It unites the body with the mind and helps you counter the diseases within. Moreover, when it comes to making breasts look larger, yoga can do it.  You can try the following yoga asanas: 

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Regular massage

Of course, for people who want to ditch surgery, massaging is one of the best natural ways to increase breast size. So, what oils can you use? Here is what you need to know: 

  • Flax seed oil
  • Breast enlargement creams
  • Olive oil

Fat Grafting: An Alternative to Breast Implants

For women who don't want to go for breast implants in Delhi, fat grafting is also a good way to add volume to your breasts. It is a noninvasive procedure as compared to breast implant surgery, which is an invasive procedure. 

The first part of the fat transfer breast augmentation Delhi will involve liposuction. With this process, the fat will be removed from the places where it is unnecessary. For example, a little pouch on your abdomen will be a great place to draw the fat from. The harvested fat will be injected into the breasts, which need volume. 

Liposuction is, in fact, the most invasive procedure of fat transfer, and it is an outpatient procedure. After injecting anesthesia, your surgeon will make incisions in the target area, and a metal tube called a cannula will be inserted in those areas. The fat will be taken out from the regions, and then fat harvesting is done. It will den be put into a syringe and injected into the breasts. As simple as it sounds. 

Breast Fat Injection is a wonderful solution for breasts that have lost much volume. But again, if you’re looking to go up several cup sizes, breast implant surgery in Delhi will still be the best solution. Alternatively, you may need a traditional breast lift. 

Fat grafting is good for a slight volume increase. You also have to consider that not all harvested and reinjected fat will “survive” in the new location.

Schedule a consultation with Dr Shobhit today.

There are several breast enhancement options available in Delhi if you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts. Still, if you want to know what will work best for you, natural ways, or a breast enlargement surgery in Delhi, contact Shobhit Aesthetics today to book a consultation with Dr Shobhit Gupta. 

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